Thursday, August 20, 2009

ABOUT ANEKSASI (annexation) Lands in Minahasa

About aneksasi tanah2 in Minahasa, although the
"Agreement between Minahasa Persekutuan and Oost-Indische Compagnie; then with the Government of the Netherlands."

Former resident A.H. * Swaving write: "... jg rekes by twenty three pemimpin2 in Minahasa, signer first by Major Toundano-Touliang, Gerungan dotu Jacob, I know Benar2 akan" customary "land of birth, and has been for many years held the highest leadership in the area, prohibit the sale of land to the European (foreign).
Next A.H. Swaving write about this, Al: "... The leader has referred to you can see that some friend sejabat menghianati" custom "; if the land in Minahasa vendible in every person without any supervision, then the people and land will be difficult ... ".
If the government responses so rekes top page then I think, in the Minahasa Pemimpin2 had its own atmosphere akan "annexation" I do not tercegah again ...".

C.E. van Kesteren writing ** "The issue ... do first is whether the way to lead the country and whether the fair, to declare in Minahasa tanah2 as state-owned and made pemimpin2 officer?"
"... The official has stated that all land is owned in Minahasa Minahasa people.
Ta can be denied that in Minahasa pemimpin2 of yore is the head-head hand-picked by their own people, and where the government bestow "dignity tanda2", among others, so that when they hold a meeting together, they "greeted with a cannon boom nine times." Reverence so surely will not be given to the officer. "

Alliance agreement between VOC dng Kepala2 Walak from Minahasa, made by Robertus Padtbrugge as VOC in Maluku Governor on 10 Jnauari 1679; dikemudian days in the year 1880, be used as Dutch defense on the reasons for annexation of land Minahasa to bring power into the Government of the Netherlands.
And since year 1881 Staatsblad (Lebaran Country) no.19; Kepala2 Walak be salaried (at that time resident is SCvan Musschenbroek).

They (The Netherlands) said that time (10-01-1679), there is a "covenant" in which Kepala2 Minahasa states:
"... Te willen zijn de trouwe onderdanen en onderzaten van de Oost-Indische Compagnie als steeds hun Heer en meester, als hun soeverein te sullen gehoorzamen en eerbiedigen" (= want to be a loyal subordinate of VOC and always will confess and obey him ).

It is said that "the original document in Dutch" has been given to the Minahasa Pemimpin2 and "no copies", which is stored by the VOC when making kontrak2 that the Dutch language side by side with other languages.
Original contract on the seal (stamp), has fled away.

But if such a right in a written contract dated
10 January 1679, it still can not understand what it means verification "aneksasi" page.
Contracts are the Ceritera / notice them (The Netherlands), while the contract itself can not they unjukkan.

Agreement 10 January 1679 is the first contract, which was then where VOC binding promise in the "alliance" on the date
10 September 1699.
With this contract year in 1699 with the sedirinya contract year 1679, in the case of "it", has BERGUNA NOT AND DO NOT Samasekali more strength.

CONTRACT YEAR 1699, Article IX reads as follows:
"Soo verbind hun Edele Compagnie d'omme de gezamentlijke gemeente van alle de beneden, en Boven agterlandse dorpen als Hare Edelagtbare bondgenoten steeds te sullen erkennen en voor alle geweld en overlast Haar die iemand wie het ook zouden mogen wezen mogten worden aangedaan te sullen beschermen na tijdsgelegenheden en tegen de zoodanige Hare vijanden te sullen adsisteeren ". (top mapun language spelling pengoreksian not be done to prevent "any posts old value" to be missing)

(= With this Compagni binding promise with the people I found in the coastal, mountain and the remote is always in desa2 akan diakuinya as allies and honor above all the violence and the burden I carried out by anyone upon akan dilindunginya, and then when the circumstances allow akan exchange for aid against the enemies).

* Termuat in "Tijdschrift voor Ned. Indie", 5 July 1879; in 's Gravenhage
** Termuat in "Her Vaderland", the year 1879, no 145

"... to provide mutual assistance to combat enemies.")

Update the contract, 10 September 1699, at the top created by the Governor of Maluku, Salomon Le Sage with pewakil-pewakil Minahasa, namely:
Tomohon, Tombariri, Tounsarongsong, Kakaskasen, Tonkimbut-Up (Kawangkoan), Tonkimbut-Down (Sonder-Old), Tompaso, Langowan, Tombasian, Rumo'ong, Kakas, Remboken, Tondano, Tonsèa, Klabat-Top, Tonsawang, pasan, Datahan and Ponosakan. (listed in "Geschienenis vd Minahasa tot 1829", hlm 88 and 93; by Dr.ECGodéé Molsbergen)

And this contract remains valid, and be back by tlh-Maluku Governor, Alexander Cornabé, on the date 05-08-1790, 13-08-1791 and the date and the date on 14-09-1810 on the British Government, and no something happens in which the Government of the Netherlands given the power to abolish!

In the war "successie" (= ascend the throne right turn) on the island of Java, 1825-1830, Government of the Netherlands request assistance in "all allies" in the Dutch-Indies (Indonesia); Any Minahasa is from it.

Government do with the sack and appoint sesukanya Leader-Leader, will not create a "bond of friendship" to income-support troops with them!

The Dutch government still holds the top position of honor tatatertib Leader-Leader in Minahasa.
So strict and I respect their place on "Contracts Persekutuan"
so that when the resident J.C. Bosch, replacement of the resident Bosscher, was reported by one of the leaders of the bumiputra follow tanduknya (JC Bosch) do outrageous head-to head Walak: Government Center-Dutch Country to send a Commissioner to investigate the truth for Manado report.
In fact the news is true, then the Resident concerned declared not advanced / capable / able ... and the sack (gedesavoueerd).

Minahasa people ever be caused to bow to the weapon by the Dutch. Even if the relief has resulted in the occurrence of rebellion do battle between Walak Toundano vs. V.O.C. and with the Government of the Netherlands "Contract Persekutuan" page still dipertahankannya.
As evidence, when the war "successie," I listed above, the Government of the Netherlands to make contracts with all partners-allies in the Dutch East Indies, also made Toundano Tribe also do a similar contract.

For there are nine fruit Minahasa do similar contracts bunyinya, two of them with the tribe Toundano:
1. Toundano-Touliang by the Head Walak Boèng Ratumbuijsang. As Head of forces ditunjuknya Alexander Wuijsang (seusainya War Toundano-to-3 Alexander Wuijsang incoming Dutch military duty infantry unit in the rank of Lieutenant-Two.
His father is Gerit Wuijsang, thn in 1808, head of the country "Atep").
2. Toundano-Toulimambot by the Head of Janus Walak Abraham Dotulong. As Head ditunjuknya forces Johannis Sangare .-

