Wednesday, August 19, 2009

To be in the Bing terindex Search Engine

know is definitely on the latest Search Engine besutan from Microsoft that are named with Bing is I know so far is the result of the collaboration of 2 very large companies between Microsoft and Yahoo. Of course bing potential competitors terberat into Google, so do not close the possibility bing may become our main search engine later. Ah, but let siapun that the winner does not become too important, that's clear, at this time we as bloggers are trying how we are positioned Blog on top of all search engine hehehe yah at least terindex just enough:)

How to Submit the URL to Bing

To have a blog terindex in the bing is very easy, we only go to this address only, Please enter it directly addresses the verification code and blog.

How Authentikasi Meta tags and Submit URL in Bing
To further improve the spider can bing aga mengcrawl and Meta Tags mengindexs your blog. Please visit directly Bing Webmaster, to be able to do some settings you must be registered in the first

Web Address: blog entries name (example:

Sitemap address: (I'm still not clear to the sitemap atom.xml also work well what does not)

Meta tags authentication -> input authentication code in the html page blog to each of us, this code is usually placed under the code


According sepengatahuan my previous blogs that have been in the MSN Search terindex also potentially terindex in so please check with the course directly enter the URL of the blog.
