Thursday, August 27, 2009

Reading Movement Graph

Type of Currency Movements Graphic (..... Meaning of USDollar)
Direct (..... / CAD) Up Menguat
Direct (..... / USD) Down Melemah
Indirect (CAD / .....) Take Melemah
Indirect (USD /.....) Down Menguat

What is the capital needed to be trading FOREX?
In our (Trading) there was no requirement to deposit a certain sum in order to begin live trading (capital-FREE), and if you have no capital at all, or still want to try, then our company will provide free extra capital of U.S. $ 5 for you when you open an account in our (FREE and no simulation), and the profit which you may also be entered into the bag (account) you are full, whereas if the loss then you also do not risk anything. Besides this, we also receive a Real Live Forex Trading Mini type with initial capital prescribed deposit of U.S. $ 500 or Regular Forex with a capital initial deposit of U.S. $ 5000, and so on depending on you.

Live Trading Account Besides, we also provide Virtual Trading (simulation)

Table Maximum Quantity of Capital and Leverage (Contract Size) are recommended:
Capital Value Quantity Contract Size pointnya movement (/ pips)
$ 5 $ 100 $ 0.01 (eq: EUR / USD)
$ 100 $ 2000 $ 0.2 (eq: EUR / USD)
$ 500 (mini) $ 10,000 $ 1 (eq: EUR / USD)
$ 5000 (regular) $ 100,000 $ 10 (eq: EUR / USD)
and so on ...

Margin value in our = 1% of the quantity contract size
Quantity Contract Size in us is flexible and can be manually input
(Example: You can enter Quantity Contract Size = $ 1001 or $ 2123 or $ 10, etc.)
In another sense that we can adjust to the conditions of our capital strength.
(Click Here for detailed information would Flexible Contract Size)

You can enter the amount in column Lot sizenya quantity contract with a way to multiply your Lot Size Quantity Contract you. Example: for example, with capital of $ 700 you want to trade as much as 3 lots in Quantity $ 10,000, then the Quantitynya column inputkan with 30,000 you.

How do I trade. And what's Market, Stop, Limit, etc?

What is Quantity Contract Size and Margin?
Quantity Contract Size is the value of leverage (leverage), which is where for example you want to trade in for $ 10000, then you just remove the capital is only a $ 500 course (or smaller), without requiring you to spend capital for $ 10,000 in order to trade on the amount of $ 10,000 (see table above quantity leverage). This is an advantage of the modern Forex trading, because with smaller capital you can get the value of a larger transaction.

Margin is the collateral value when you will do a transaction, and the amount is 1% of the quantity of your contract size traded. This means if you want to trade in a certain number (quantity) then you must pledge of 1% of them (ie you trade in the quantity $ 10,000, then your account will automatically guarantee them for 1%, ie $ 100 of your capital is $ 500 ), because to ensure and guarantee that you have sufficient funds to transact in this amount, and if it is not enough funds then your transaction will be automatically rejected. But after you finish the transaction Margin (collateral) you will be returned back to you as before.

Then transition how and where?
in (Marketiva), all your Forex transactions conducted by your own online via the internet (could be at home, cafes, hotels, cafes, cars, via PDAs, etc.) through our online trading software that is Streamster, which can be downloaded as you open an account (register) at us. And in our software there are also various facilities such as real-time price quotes and charts, discussion forums / chat with other traders, free trading signals, transaction reports, news stories, 24-hour support services, and others.
