one that makes a powerful antivirus in detecting computer viruses is the definition of the threat they have. The more definition, the better antivirus in a variety of threats facing trying to enter into the computer.
AVI is one of the local antivirus that has a number of threats that limited definition. So far, the database contains AVI more local viruses. This limitation is because the number of new viruses AVI users reported only ranges from Indonesia alone. This is why many people consider the local anti-virus only works to overcome local virus alone. And vice versa, only a potent antiviral out beyond just tackle the virus. Based on these facts, many people who eventually install two antivirus at once: one local antivirus, antivirus one out.
But the AVI has a smart solution for solving this problem. AVI now have add-on (plugin) that integrates new AVI with Clamav antivirus engines. What is Clamav? Clamav antivirus which is developed by the developer of the open source community GPL (General Public License). You can get more information about Clamav on his official website. Current definition of a recognizable threat Clamav approximately 49 thousand threats mostly dominated by foreign viruses. Now, by combining the original database and Clamav AVI, AVI is now able to recognize approximately 50 thousand threats!
To take advantage of add-on Clamav, ekstraklah file "" into the directory "plugins" which can be found at the location where AVI installed. For example you install the AVI in the directory "C:-Program Files-AVI" then ekstraklah to "C:-Program Files-AVI-plugins".
Make sure the add-on has been successfully integrated. How to run the AVI, then see the "Plugins". If you see a new add-shell-shaped symbol, it means that add Clamav has been successfully integrated with AVI. To make sure whether the add-Clamsav been able to work well, try double-click on the icon shaped shells. I'll get a window containing information about add-on version, version of the definition of the threat, the number of threats, and info about the last definition update.
To determine whether the definition of threats that can be recognized by the AVI has increased, you can see it in the "Signature". When we use the definitions of August 13, 2009, the number of definitions reaching over 64 thousand pieces.
After the successful add-on installed, AVI automatically be able to detect foreign viruses or viruses that have not been recognized by the AVI using Clamav engine. The threat is successfully detected by Clamsav have a mark on the columns of information as you can see in the picture below. You still can disable the add-on that does not come Clamsav scanning by removing the check mark on the window Clamsav the "Settings"> "Enable plugin".
You can update Clamav definitions of threats in a way to download the file "daily.cvd" and "main.cvd" Clamav site. Put the two files in the directory where the add-Clamsav placed. Please note that the file "daily.cvd" is always updated every day.
AVI version 2.0.43 can be found here, while its add-Clamav can be obtained here. If you have trouble, please do not hesitate to cast a question to developer.avi @ e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, please enable JavaScript enabled to view it.