Manado City,The more robust the world. Iven after World Ocean Conference (WOC) and Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Summit 2009, the latest world record dive in Manado mass created yesterday (16 / 8). Namely "The Largest Scuba Diving Lesson." Malalayang Manado Beach diselami 2465 divers from Sabang to Merauke, and overseas participants. They cornucopia menyukseskan iven the spectacular dipelototi millions of pairs of eyes of the world.
Travel graven record dive first in Australia in 2004. Then, penyelamnya 600. A year later, at the Undercover Festival Koh Tao Thailand terpecahkan with the plunger 725. Finally, in the Maldives in 2006 with 958 divers. World record in the Sail Bunaken is initially planned only 1,500 people as much. However, unexpectedly, reaching 2465 diver.
since 06.00 Wita dive preparation has been done. Thousands of divers have been in the location. Once arrived, they immediately check the completeness of the equipment and registration. Not only divers, people who came to watch was not patient. They want to witness history on the outbreak of the world record dive.
Deputy Chief Inspector Ceremony Navy Staff (Wakasal) vice admiral Mokhlas TNI Sidik, M. PA kebanggaannya can say is in the middle of thousands of divers who are ready to solve the world record.
Jury from the Guinness Book of Record Lucia Sinigagliesi any claim to be happy in the beach Malalayang. "I'm very happy here. A beautiful place. I gratitute dive safely, remain conscious of safety, "accuse him. Wakasal was then led the prayer.
Time hours at 09.30 Wita shows, heating and participant registration is complete, the red flag was the first sign of preparation. Diver into 3 waves start to run their tasks according to the order set up, clean rehearsal on Friday (15 / 8).
When yellow flag dikibarkan, almost all the divers already in the middle of the sea. Face with enthusiasm, although already in the middle of the sea. Unrelenting as they sing the song spirit booster. Because they will become a historical record of the world record-breaking follow. Not only that, they want the world to know that the ancestors of the nation is party.
Once the green flag rise, thousands of divers direct memulaikan aksinya. After all the divers are under the sea, the TNI commander Laksma ceremony Iskandar Sitompul SE, enter the area and dive followed Irup Laksdya military Moekhlas Sidik MPA.
Officers in the land, every minute are always activities that are underway under the sea. From entering the area Irup dives, in honor Irup, commander reports ceremony to leave the area Irup dives.
Although the ceremony took place under the sea, it appears on the fringe of the beach, thousands of occasions witnessed. Moreover iven this direct broadcast several national TV.
VIP guests join record-breaking dive in the North Sulawesi Governor SH Sarundajang with Danlantamal VIII Willem Rampangilei, Kapolda Sulut Bekto Suprapto and Mother, Gorontalo Governor Fadel Muhammad, Gorontalo Kapolda, Chairman of the Daily POSSI, Danlantamal VI, Rector of the UHT and several other area officials .
To 29 minutes, all the divers started to show up to the surface of the sea. Invisible face exhaustion. Even the cry of victory out of their mouth. "Living in Indonesia," some people screaming, while a banner mengusung each group. Expression of this excitement, takes about 15 minutes, on the surface of the sea.
Lucia while welcoming the participants on the stage dives menuturkan honor, "What you do is the biggest and the highest amount of that recorded in the Guinness Book of World Record. Thank you for all, "he said.
When making the announcement, the number of registered, in 1806. "This is still the number of temporary," said Lucia. And then set the number of participants in 2465.
And Fisheries Minister Freddy Numberi who participated in welcoming the participants said the bulk dipping, with the record can show the world that Indonesia is an archipelago that big. "We are the largest," he said
Four times a cannon blast, inaugurate Sulut entry in the book world record. The event closed with a mass dive traditional dances of North Sulawesi and witnessed all the VIP participants.