Monday, August 17, 2009

Light Horor Film Efeck

This tutorial will show you how to create lighting effects ominous darkness of an image. Now you can frighten your friends and create your own horror movie!

Horror Film Lighting Effects: Lighting Effects Horror Movies:

Follow the steps below:

Step one:

Open your favorite picture from within Photoshop. Let's assume the image of a woman here.


Step Two :

Now go to layer menu and select 'Duplicate Layer'.


Step Three:

Now Press Ctrl + Shift + U key on the keyboard. You can also select the image> adjustments> desaturate. This will convert the image into black and white mode.


Step Four:

After the image has been changed into a black-white mode that is the time to set the opacity. Visit the layer palette, choose the darkness and brought to 50%.


Step Five :

Select Layer> Duplicate Layer, and then select Linear Light blend mode of the layer palette, and darkness set to 87%. Visible in the picture below!



Step Six:

Here you need to create a new layer. Under the foreground color, the color is defined as # 443D3D. Now take the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and click on the image to fill it. You can also use the keyboard shortcut (Alt + Backspace).

Step Seven

Now go to the Layers palette, and select Display in the mix. Set the Opacity to 87%.



Step Eight :

Choose Filter > Noise > Add Noise. Pilih Filter> Noise> Add Noise.

Set the options via check Gaussian and monochromatic button. Also specify the amount of 45%.



Step Nine:

Choose Filter > Stylize > Solarize. Pilih Filter> mode> Solarize.


Step Ten:

Select Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Levels. Next, to set the RGB channel and input to level 88, 0.73 and 230 respectively. Also set the output to 0 and 255 respectively.



Step Eleven:

Select Layer> New Adjustment Layer> curves, and set the color selection and RGB Input and Output to 204 to 147.



Step Twelve:

Now select Layer> Adjustment Layer> Color Balance and set as the level of color 62, 82 and -100. Select the button and check Midtones preserve luminosity option.


Finally, we work like this:

