Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cyber Threats The violent, Not Quite Free Antivirus More

During the year 2008, Symantec to create more than 1.6 million signatures to detect malware. This amount is equal to about 60 percent of all signatures that have been made Symantec.

Figures that show how many malware threats that scattered in the cyber world. Thanks to the signature, the threat of more 245 million behasil solved by Symantec during the 2008.

Malware is not only growing rapidly, the cyber threat is more focused more and more visible. Some 90 percent of all the threats that Symantec is on the period of research is the effort to steal sensitive data.

Cyber criminals meraup speculate at this time to create and distribute a specific threat made to steal sensitive information, especially bank accounts and credit cards. At the time the world economy suffering, economic security is still prosperous.

Antivirus gratisan Not Enough More

Computer users need a comprehensive protection against a threat that is increasingly violent. Not only protect against viruses and spyware, but is able to avoid the attack happened before.

Antivirus is not quite enough anymore. Users need two-way firewall, encryption and password update routine. Of course, a healthy practice berinternet and technical capabilities also will affect the user.

Solutions such as the freeware one point is no longer enough to protect users. This ibaratnya close the door before the house and hope people do not have the entry.

A complete solution that is able to lock the door, all doors in the house, and also the window. Even have a movement sensor so that it is able to detect the threat that came from. All data, images, documents, music, and the other is in the system will be guaranteed safety.

The advantages of a subscription-based security is the user will have a product that is easy to use and set that includes all the necessary protection. And part of it is subscription support directly from the vendor, one thing that can not be offered a free program.

Programs often provide free anti-virus protection air-air, sometimes even a scan and update should be done manually. Moreover, the solution is usually only free and not rely on signature analysis heuristik, does not include password management, prelindungan phishing, firewall, Intrusion prevention and the protection of your browser.

Symantec has a solution all-in-one called Norton 360, which will protect your PC and online activities of all users. The latest version of the Norton 360 security and increased performance.

Thus, Norton 360 can provide protection on the PC in order to keep your PC running well, and ensure backups. Norton 360 also extend protection to the service rating Norton Safe Web site.

Internet Healthy

Currently, Symantec saw the message about the need for the delivery of security threat to children. As one of the industry leaders, Symantec has been pouring a lot of resources to develop tools that can help users to use the internet safely.

Starting from the users directly, through discussion dn seminars, to develop and provide resources terdedikasi to face threats to the individuals, families, children and adolescents.

Some of the initiatives that we do include:

* OnlineFamily.Norton. Symantec has introduced OnlineFamily.Norton (http://onlinefamiliy.norton.com). This is an online service that is easy to use that help parents to know what is needed when children are online, including tips and guidelines protection of children from content that is dangerous and indefensible. This service is free until 1 January 2010.
* Norton 360 CSI. Has not been this long, we also launched CSI Norton 360, a free online tools that can check the level of security and protection of the PC family. Reports indicate that dihasilkannya akan region which is a problem in the use of the internet home and gives tips and advice to make the online environment more secure.

Author, Effendy Ibrahim, Norton is the Business Lead for Asia South.
