It appears that the Google actually prepare the return of their new operating system, which comes later in 2010. Section of their conduct 'evolution' in Google Chrome.
Update Google Chrome Google Chrome which has been present. Some of the error system browser on Linux or Mac have also been improved.
"The standout of this version are: GIF that has been fixed, change the extension, and the ability to do printing in Windows that has also been improved. In addition, there is still Tab page later, using the command line switch." Jonathan said Conradt, engineering program manager, Google Chrome.
Conradt also add, on Linux now mensuport IME for non-roman script languages. Some improvements have also been done at the proxy server. The command "Save As", which can not be used, apply now for the Mac.
When 'evolution' in this Chrome, Google acknowledged that this browser is developed for their new operating system, which will attend later in 2010.
DetikINET as quoted from Softpedia, Thursday (09/07/2009) has some errors that had occurred in the first Linux and Mac has been fixed. For example in the use of Google Doc on the Mac, the command + S to save the document can be made. On Linux, the bookmarks on the menu bar when opening the first bookmark manager, has also been active.
If interested please download Google Chrome version below.