TIPS OF THE DAY : CTRL +E fungsinya menggabungkan dua layer ( layer atas ke layer bawahnya)
Now I try to create a cube-shaped photo .. The idea is Rubik's cube game that is very difficult lho .. I have this game that can be share with me ... hehehe .. pengen banget bisa nih .. If one side or 2 I can only hayah .. ..
Back to tutorial.. !
Create a document with size 400px x 400px resolution 72 aja .. I also want to make big gpp .. surrendered aja .. aja cuman this example ..
First we create a template for its Box ..
Create a box with the rectangle marquee tool .. while you press the SHIFT yaa .. get all sides together.
Create a box with the rectangle marquee tool .. while you press the SHIFT yaa .. get all sides together.
Create a new layer. Warnain with the paint bucket tool. For this color because it's a reference aja mah later ..
Duplicate the first box to the side while digeser and tempelin exactly at the end of the right side of the box is the first ... ago Press ALT to Drag the right side.
Change the color with its color is another matter.
Change the color with its color is another matter.
Repeat steps now that earlier .. Duplicate and store the box in the top of the first .. must jog on the side with the first box.
so it deh Template. Now we have a 3 layer with the different location and color.
Open the image you want to make the cube .. photographs should try to view it quite that far though later the object of its fit into the first box (at the front).
Drag in the document template that I made earlier.
Set the location and size.Open the image you want to make the cube .. photographs should try to view it quite that far though later the object of its fit into the first box (at the front).
Drag in the document template that I made earlier.
Now we will take the parts of the image that will be tailored to the Template box earlier.
Select the image layer .. press CTRL + click on the box first ..
Press CTRL + C (Copy) and press CTRL + v to (paste)
Auto akanTerbentuk a new layer of the image contents corresponding box first
Repeat steps for the earlier parts of the others ..
Turn off all the layers .. except that the image layer is the layer form and backgroundNow we have a Photo of the templates in accordance with earlier ..Its effects with little Blending Option.
Right-click the first image layer> Blending option or 2 times Click image layer in the first box.
Setting as below .. this purpose let plasticity margin on each side.Right-click the image layer that has been given effect .. click copy layer style.
Select the box next layer. Right-click> Paste layer style. also for the same one again.
Now select the image layer box on the right.
Click Edit> transform> Distort
Pull the tip of his right aja .. dimensinya and set as below. I need to use the bantu, get straight. Udah bantu line I explain in this tutorial.
Set to the top of it .. use Edit> Transform> distort. Pull and set the edges. bantu also use the line to make it easy
if finished .. Merge (join) all the photo layer by pressing CTRL + E starts from the top layer first. Being a cube now ..
Now we makeshadow
..Create a form that resembles some of the base cube .. under .. simpen and below the image layer cubes ..
Klik Filter > Blur > gaussian Blur
Set and turn the cube and Photo bayangannya so natural look .. To this ngatur, also need imagination ..
The Result
Good luck