Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Optimize Firefox Performance using Defragmentation Add-ons

Mozilla Firefox has improved it’s quality and made it’s configuration a bit complex from version 3.5 onwards by maintaining several information and data for various features such as bookmarks, history, RSS feeds, cookies etc in its self managed SQLite databases. But over time, all the above data gets rewritten and as a result the SQLite database gets fragmented. With the source of time more and more junk files make their spaces among the real stored data by Firefox and this affects Firefox performance negatively. And as the result Firefox will behave abnormally like it will take more time to load, slow start up, browser hangs up etc. To get the most out of Firefox, we need to boost and optimize Firefox browser performance by defragmentaing Firefox frequently. Once we have defragemented the database, it removes all junk files from it’s area and makes a lots of free space for the real and required files, as the result Firefox starts loading and performing faster.
Optimize Firefox
According to Mozilla, one can easily follow a simple vacuum technique by running some codes in the Error Console command within the browser to defragment the SQLite database. Follow the below steps :
  • Navigate to Tools >> Error Console (Or press Ctrl + Shift + J shortcut key)
  • Paste the following in the Code below:
  • Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsPIPlacesDatabase).DBConnection.executeSimpleSQL(”VACUUM”);
  • Click Evaluate or hit Enter on your keyboard
  • Database will be vacuumed and defragmented immediately
  • You are done.
The above trick will dramatically increase your Firefox speed and performance. However, if you don’t want to do things manually and want addons to do this for you in regular intervals, you can download and install Firefox defragmentation addons.
Vacuum Places Improved Addon
Mozilla Firefox defragmentation addon Vacuum Places defragments Firefox Database easily and automatically in scheduled intervals. You can either choose to auto-clean the SQLite databases on every time Firefox starts or to show notification to user after certain number of starts to start defragmentation manually.
Vacuum Places Improved
It’s compatible with Firefox version 3.5 or above.
SpeedyFox Firefox Addon
SpeedyFox works with Windows system only but it can make Firefox speed faster by defragmenting the database files. SpeedyFox automatically detects users’ default profile and optimizes it for enhanced performance and stability. It works really faster, however the defragmentation speed depends on the size of the database, real Firefox files and junk files.
